Every day companies produce information , regardless of their size. Such information adds value and increases productivity and competitiveness in the market . When in use connected to the internet, this data needs to be protected and for this reason there are so many security systems and tools on the internet.
Given this scenario, we have prepared important information about internet security for professionals and companies , seeking to help them understand the importance of the topic.
Throughout this page you will see texts, articles, reports, news and downloadable materials, completely free of charge, contributing to awareness of the importance of internet security in companies.
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Browse the topics by clicking on the titles below:
- What is internet security?
- How important is internet security for your company?
- What are the most common cyber attacks?
- Good internet security practices for companies
- What is the employee's role in the company's internet security?
- How to identify security weaknesses on the company’s internet?
- How to keep employees away from cyber attacks?
- Accounting Office increased internet security in 20 minutes
- How to improve company internet security with Lumiun?
- Free Materials
Note: In every topic there is a button that automatically takes you back to the Table of Contents. We hope this function helps you when reading the text.
What is internet security?
Internet security can be understood as all the precautions that users must take to protect all properties that are part of the internet, such as infrastructure, devices and information.
Methods, procedures, standards and laws, such as the General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD ) for example, seek to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities in information from users and devices connected to the internet.
Internet security has as a priority ensuring that important information is not in the possession of anyone other than the legitimate owner .
To stay safe on the internet there are several solutions, such as software , hardware , services and also constant user training
Understanding the importance of internet security in the business environment is essential for business owners, managers and IT professionals who seek to grow in the market using the internet to their advantage.
How important is internet security for your company?
Criminals on the internet try in different ways to turn an unprotected or unprepared user into a victim of a cyber attack.
With the large number of people connected, using and transferring personal information daily, the internet is like a field full of lambs for the wolf to choose which one to attack. That's why today, internet security is such an important topic, especially for professionals and companies, which are one of the most common targets.
Viruses in the system, fake emails and even very well-built websites that look identical to the real thing are some of the ways to attack internet users.
As for objectives, there are several. Among the most common are:
- Attack systems or equipment
- Steal confidential , sensitive or valuable (or all)
- Steal the identity of users or companies
- Steal money
- Corrupt important data
- Sell stolen personal data
Realize that there are different modes of attack and reasons, therefore, maintaining security on the company's internet is important and should be taken seriously.
Who are the main targets?
In the text Cybersecurity predictions for Latin America in 2021 published on the Kaspersky blog, the numbers of internet crimes predicted for 2021 are alarming. According to the company specializing in internet security, the increase and diversification of attacks on financial systems in 2021 will be greater than this year.
Among the attacks reported weekly on various technology portals are:
- Companies from different sectors
- Banking institutions
- Government institutions
- Public and famous
What are the most common cyber attacks?
If you, a manager, entrepreneur, or IT professional want to keep your company protected against cyber attacks, the first step is to know how they act, and what are the main types of attacks that exist today.
Information security has been disseminated as a contingency strategy, especially in the year in which this scenario has become very favorable for cyber criminals working from home.
But, for many, it is not that simple to understand how each attack works, after all, there are many.
Among the most common attacks against companies in different sectors are:
- DDoS Attack
- Overload of company or organization servers, causing slowdowns and crashes
- Port Scanning Attack
- Scanning for a vulnerable port through malware
- Ransomware
- Blocking access to attacked files, and released only after payment of a sum of money
- Trojan Horse
- Information theft through execution of an attachment in the email or malicious download
- Brute force attacks
- Account theft through several attempts at username and password combinations in a very short time.
- Phishing
- Generally carried out via email, it is a virtual attack in which hackers trick users into revealing confidential information, including passwords, bank details and CPF
You can see more details about each attack in the article Hackers x Companies: What are the most common cyber attacks? .
What is the main gateway for cyber attacks in the company?
The entry points for a cyber attack are numerous . Emails, malicious files, fake links, false advertisements, among many others. Internet security systems such as firewall , antivirus backup system can add an extra layer of internet security in the business environment. However, the key point for attacks within companies are users .
Lack of knowledge, inattention or the famous “I know what I'm doing” make employees the biggest internet security breach for companies. Therefore, training employees and maintaining an internet security policy within the company is as important as security systems .
Good internet security practices for companies
There is no doubt that the internet has become a powerful tool to facilitate processes in companies. However, it is necessary to remember that the internet is not a completely safe medium whenever you use it in the corporate environment.
With the exponential increase in companies and users connected to the internet, the risks associated with the vulnerability of systems and data also increase, which is why maintaining good internet security practices is important for companies.
According to Verizon's Data Breach Investigations Report 2020 86% of cyber attacks were financially motivated . This reason is more common when the target is companies, after all, they have a greater financial amount than simple internet users.
Furthermore, the gateway for hackers is usually users . Customs, lack of knowledge, or ignoring fundamental security standards and systems make many companies easy targets for digital criminals.
To help companies, we have listed 10 good internet security practices for companies and professionals , making it easier to implement basic protection systems and avoiding any type of cyber attack as much as possible.
- Conduct internet security training
- Define rules and a policy for correct use of the company's
- Use secure
- Have a good antivirus on all devices
- Keep systems and software up to date
- Avoid using pirated software
- Back up company data
- Protect remote access
- Control internet access
- firewall system
In the article Good internet security practices for companies you will see more tips and ways to apply each of the actions in your company.
What is the employee's role in the company's internet security?
Investing in internet security for companies, especially for employee use, is becoming increasingly necessary.
According to Cybercrime Magazine, Cybercrime Will Cost the World US$10.5 Trillion Annually by 2025 .
The key point here is the role of the employee in this process, which, by the way, is a determining factor in the vast majority of cases of data security breaches in companies.
In short, hackers, instead of exposing themselves by directly attacking organizations' networks, where they know that there are many protection and detection mechanisms implemented, attack the weakest link in the chain , the user. Therefore, the employee's role in the company's internet security .
Examples of attacks due to employee errors, often small, have been reported countless times on various technology news portals.
To help you understand better, we have listed below the main reasons why employees are directly linked to the company's internet security.
- Opening and clicking on fake emails
- Clicks on fake ads on social media
- Access to harmful websites
- Downloading malicious files
- Spread of confidential information
- Installation of pirated software
- Photos in the workplace showing documents , passwords and confidential processes
How to identify security weaknesses on the company’s internet?
Do you know what internet security risks your company faces on a daily basis? The best way to avoid problems like this is to identify weaknesses as quickly as possible.
A company can only protect itself if it knows where attacks can come from . There's no point in having a giant shield in front of you if your back is unprotected.
To give you an idea of the importance of the topic, according to research by Kaspersky, Brazil is the leader in companies attacked by ransomware in the epidemic . This in just one type of attack, Ransomware. There are many others.
Therefore, observing and identifying where security gaps may be in the company's network is extremely important.
Below, we list some ways to identify your company's internet security weaknesses and some useful tips on what to look out for:
- Check the presence of protection software on all devices
- Make sure all systems are up to date
- Do you have a Firewall system correctly configured on your company network?
- Check the use of pirated software on your devices, they can contain many dangers
- Be careful with remote connections , they may contain security weaknesses
- Is there access control to websites considered harmful?
- Take an internet security test
Look for weaknesses in the company's network, otherwise hackers will look for you.
How to keep employees away from cyber attacks?
Controlling them and keeping them away from the dangers of the internet is perhaps one of the biggest challenges for managers and IT professionals in companies.
Lay, careless and untrained employees put company data at risk every day , becoming easy targets for cyber attacks.
To better understand the severity of the scenario, in the summary of cyber attacks in September 2020 published by the Trescon portal , cyber attacks aimed at the Vatican caused astonishment.
If a religious organization is the target of a cyber attack , why wouldn't ordinary companies, with employees without knowledge and accessing whatever they want within the companies, also be a target?
Below, we list good ways to keep employees away from cyber attacks :
- Take internet security training
- Implement a safe internet use policy at work
- Use basic tools internet security
- Use strong and secure passwords
- Use a good antivirus and antimalware on all devices
- Keep equipment, systems and software always up to date
- Avoid using pirated software
- Back up company data
- Control internet access
- Use a Business VPN for remote access
Do not leave the company's internet security to the knowledge and goodwill of employees , keep systems and employees protected and controlled.
Accounting Office increased internet security in 20 minutes
Several companies are looking for ways to increase internet security in order to protect their data and employees. Many of them have confidential data considered vital for the healthy functioning of the company, in this case, Percont Contabil Office.
Using Lumiun, the Percont Office increased internet security in just 20 minutes , thus leaving the company's data and that of all its clients protected against any cyber attack.
Below you will see a brief report on the use of Lumiun as the company's internet security tool.
About Percont
Percont Escritorio Contábil began accounting activities in 1987 in Ijuí, Rio Grande do Sul. With more than 30 years of work, it has worked in the areas of Accounting, Expertise, Consulting and Auditing. Today he has an important role in the legal field, in Tax Law and Labor Law.
In his work environment, he uses extremely sensitive and important documents from his clients, considering internet security a relevant factor for the full functioning of his company.
What are your main concerns?
Company internet security!
Before looking for Lumiun, Celso had concerns regarding the company's internet security, due to news and reports of companies that suffered cyber attacks and had their data hijacked.
“I looked for Lumiun mainly for data security . I have already witnessed virtual attacks on companies close to mine. At Percont we are very concerned about maintaining the greatest possible security for our clients’ data and information”, reports Celso, partner at the Percont Office.
How did the office increase the company's internet security?
With the implementation of Lumiun on the office network, Celso had several tools to use in favor of the company's internet security, which was his main concern.
Lumiun's internet access control tools , where it can simply block access to harmful websites or websites outside the scope of work, and also the Firewall from Lumiun , to protect employees and company data against any type of cyber attack.
The Lumiun deployment process takes an average of 20 minutes , due to its simplicity and fast connectivity. There is no need for technical knowledge , nor processes for reorganizing the company's internet network.
How to improve company internet security with Lumiun?
The search for internet security tools and solutions increases as new cyber attacks are reported.
High-speed Internet, always-connected equipment, online and interconnected systems, cloud services and data storage, all of this has helped companies, especially small and medium-sized ones, to significantly increase their productivity to become more competitive in the market.
However, along with all this technology and services available, there are security risks that the internet “offers” , which requires companies to take steps to improve the company's internet security and protect the information of their business and customers.
Since 2015, Lumiun has been helping companies stay safe and productive on the internet , being a reference in ease of use and satisfactory results in its solution for the overwhelming majority of its customers.
About Lumiun
Lumiun is a solution aimed at managing the internet in companies , offering more internet security and power in the hands of managers and IT professionals .
With a cloud-based service, Lumiun prevents attacks on the company's network , allows the implementation of an internet access policy , increases network security , protects and applies access rules to all devices connected to the local network, in addition to reducing waste of time and improve employees' focus on the internet.
Lumiun has features such as:
- Internet Access Control
- firewall
- Business VPN
- Internet Traffic Management
- Complete, real-time management reports
Furthermore, the process of installing Lumiun on the company's network takes an average of 20 minutes . All you need to do is connect 2 network cables to the Lumiun Box and quickly configure the equipment that will be part of the Lumiun protection system and that's it, the company's internet network now has an extra layer of protection.
The panel is intuitive and in a few clicks it is possible to define access rules and specific blocks, for example. See more details in the article How to improve your company's internet security with Lumiun .
Free Internet Security materials for companies
To help you improve your company's internet security, we selected our best materials on the topic.
We periodically seek to produce materials that can help business owners, managers and IT professionals in the search for improvements in companies' internet security.
Below, you will see tools, ebooks, documents, infographics, guides and kits with free educational content, which can be applied to people management and the internet of companies.
Feel free to share with your colleagues and friends, they are all free!
With Lumiun's internet security test, you can identify whether websites in categories considered harmful are allowed to be accessed on your network.
You can access your internet security test using the button below:
Checklist containing all the information so that you can quickly and practically increase your company's internet security.
You can download the material using the button below:
In the material we cover the main ways of using the internet and how to protect yourself in each case. We also show what types of connections exist and how to identify threats on the network. Furthermore, on the last page we provide a bonus to help your company with information security.
You can download the manual by clicking the button below:
See how to create and manage your passwords to prevent them from being discovered
- Rules for creating strong and secure passwords
- Ways passwords can be discovered
- How to prevent and prevent passwords from being discovered
- Methods and systems for managing passwords
Protecting yourself on the internet may take a little work, but it is important to follow security procedures to avoid or at least minimize problems. It is also important to be aware of who is close to you, so guide your colleagues and friends!
According to Law No. 13,709 – General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD) , this document is important to obtain the consent of the employee or user so that their personal data can be used by the company or shared with partners.
In this eBook, with fantastic illustrations, you will find the main security breaches of the year and all the details. Additionally, see 10 tips to protect your company.
Download the step-by-step guide on how to set up a VPN in your company and improve employees' remote connections.
The IT Guide brings together several tool tips for each area of small and medium-sized companies. Download the eBook to read whenever you want.
To help business owners and managers in the process of adapting, implementing and sustaining teleworking, we created the Home Office Guide for Small and Medium-sized Companies.
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No time to read right now? Download the eBook with all the content on this page and definitely learn what Internet Security .